The next weekend we went back down to Williamsburg so Daddy could get a little bit of quiet time working and help from Granddad on some school work. It was a great weekend because there wasn't anything we had to do.
Then this weekend our water heater exploded. So, we were without water all day Saturday and didn't have hot water until last night. And to top it all off Marley seemed to have a little bit of a tummy thing going on on Saturday. Yes, it was really quite lovely to not be able to wash my comforter after she threw up on it but all seems well now. Mommy installed all the safety stuff on the cabinets and (some) of the drawers in the kitchen because Marley loves to do this...
...while Daddy was installing the new water heater.
And here are just a couple of pics from the play park at the mall that I hadn't posted yet that I thought were cute...
So, this week is going to be super busy between appointments and conferences and finishing up details for Little Miss' first birthday party! Yes, hard to believe but Marley turns 1 this Saturday! We are so excited because Granny and Pop, Fancy and Granddad, and Aunt Chris and Uncle Mike are all going to be there. Along with a whole bunch of other good friends. I have a conference down in Richmond two days this week but I will try to post some "preview" pics of her party theme and what she'll be wearing. No promises though...

And these are from just this morning...My friend Adrienne from High School has opened an Etsy shop making "Sweet and Sassy Children's Clothing" You can access her blog on my sidebar, Our Unexpected Journey, where you can follow various links to her Etsy Shop, Lil' Sis Designs. Anyhow, Fancy got this outfit to support Adrienne and her son Bennett, who has DS (a portion of all the proceeds go to DS research). Doesn't she just look darling?! And her new shoes match perfectly!
Here are a couple of more recent pics...
Our Little Nudist, she just loves running around the house naked, although we don't let her do it that often cause it's still pretty chilly here.
Aww, she looks adorable! I hope you like the outfit!! Thanks for the link up!!!
I have been needing my Marley fix! I just can't believe she will be one on Saturday! Where has this year gone? She is as cute as ever! Love that girl!
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