Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Golf Lessons

The best $5 ever spent...and an afternoon learning how to golf with daddy...does it get any better?

Nope, don't think so...

Children's Museum

Yesterday we took our newly turned 2 year old to the Children's Museum in Lynchburg. She had such a good time exploring that we did get a membership, even though it takes just over an hour to get there.

They have a farm section where you can "pick corn," play with toy animals in a barn, ride rocking horses, milk a cow and crawl through an ant farm underground. There was cardio section where you could learn all about the heart and walk through models of each chamber. There was a raceway space where you could race golfballs down different tracks. There was science section where you could investigate the cause and effect of golf balls and hairdryers. There was a section upstairs devoted to the colonization of Virginia with a huge model river with real water that the kids could play in. There was an indoor zipline, various climbing tunnels and slides that ran from floor to floor of the entire building, an exhibit all about birds, and an astronomy tower. There was puppet play, a stage where you could get your jam on, and the best part of the ENTIRE thing for Marley, a room where you could paint on the glass walls! There was A LOT for her to do and she loved every minute of it.

Here she is playing with the farm animals. Crawling through the ant farm
And a whole section devoted to different I think they were playing with the different types of balls from either Ancient Greece or Egypt.

And you know, what's a Children's Museum without a seesaw right in the middle of an exhibit?!

I know she though we were crazy when we told her this was a heart. She's used to the ones that people draw for her on paper or on the trampoline at gymnastics.

The stairs between each level lit up as you stepped on them. She thought that was fun!

Here we are making "stained glass" out of construction paper and celophane.

Marley and Daddy at the top of the astronomy tower (it actually has an observation deck)
We can't wait to go back! And bring Mia!


Saturday, March 19, 2011

Marley and Mia

Two curly-headed cuties
Where one goes...
...the other often follows
and Forever...


Thursday, March 17, 2011

As Promised

Scott, Ben and Diva Marley at the end of our (previously blogged about) "Fancy" weekend!

To see more about that weekend scroll on down...


Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Warning this post is nothing but excuses!

I know we've been AWOL but there's been a lot going on...daycare changes (excuse), a big birthday (excuse), and well, just life (excuse). I know there are some very specific pictures that people want to see but they are in my car and I have a headache (excuse) so I will be posting those soon, I promise but for now here are a few from my phone of my big girl...

This is the outfit Auntie Em made for Marley for her birthday! (Disregard the paci, she had just woken up from a nap) It's just too cute! I can't wait to order more clothes!! I'm blessed that when she tries things out for her girls she does for Marley too...the perks of family :)
Here's my big girl (doesn't she look so old?!) walking through the mall pulling her new Tinkerbell Build a Bear. Auntie Sarah and I took her on Friday as a birthday activity. She saw a display animal with skates and a leash so she wanted those on her bear but we never have them fill her bear all the way because she likes them soft. Well, that doesn't so much mix well with skates because it wouldn't stand up on it's own. So, after numerous times of Marley saying "stand up, stand up" Sarah and I took turns holding it up while she pulled it behind her...quite the sight to see I'm sure!

And a shot of my "Cool Mama"
And speaking of "Cool Mama..." this video cracks me up because at the beginning she says "no pictures" and pulls the phone down...then she says she's going to be ten...perhaps 2 going on 10!
More soon! (I promise)


Sunday, March 13, 2011

A Birthday Trip to the Zoo

It was beautiful today so we took our 2 year old to the zoo for her birthday after brunch with Fancy, Granddad and Aunt Sarah.

I can't believe she's two!
More from the Tinkerbell birthday party once I get the digital pictures from Aunt Sarah and the Tinkerbell pictures developed and scanned!