Today is your special day! One year ago today you were born.

There are so many things that I could say but there is no way I could ever remember all of it. You are such a joy to me and Daddy! We love you so much. We remember what life was like without you but we would never want to go back. You have changed our lives in so many wonderful ways; you bring us joy every day with the new things you do, and your smiles brighten the world. You have also taught us many things; patience, how to operate on little sleep and what the signs of an ear infection are, to name just a few.
Seeing you after work makes everything that may have gone wrong that day disappear. You make us feel special when you run into our arms, lean over to give hugs or blow kisses. You make us laugh when you jump, when you fake laugh or when you pretend to walk like a zombie.
And you are smart, oh so smart, maybe a little too smart for our liking at this age :) You have learned how to get down off the step down into the family room the right way. You back off the Love Sac and the couch with ease and you know how to entertain yourself when you have to go to the "no-no spot." You have learned how to have some control over your environment and how to seek attention (although the consequences may not always be to your liking).
You love to play with your toys...all of don't seem to discriminate. And you LOVE to read books! After we read you a story you will take the book, look at it and babble and turn the pages like you are reading it.
You like to watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Handy Manny, Hannah Montana and Wizards of Waverly place (although admittedly the last two are some of Mommy's favorites). You and Daddy like to watch Phineas and Ferb and listen to Bob Marley, Michael Franti and Gov't Mule.
You are also a very phsyical little girl. You go to Little Gym every week and are a STAR! You are the one to demonstrate almost every skill. You walk, you run, you jump, you hang from the bar and walk on the balance beam. You do forward and backward rolls (with assitance) and you love to wheelbarrel walk. We can't wait to see what you want to do when you get bigger...will you dance? play soccer? swim like mommy or play basketball and water polo like daddy?
You are growing up very fast and sometimes that makes Mommy sad, but it also makes me happy because I can't wait to see each and every stage and what you will become.
Mommy and Daddy are so thankful you are ours. We love you more than we could ever say and we are very, very proud of you and everything you have done in the last year!
You won't remember today; the presents, the party, the cake, the family and the friends. But we will, and we will always be happy to share with you the story of the day you turned one and everyone that came to celebrate with you!
You're our Little Lady and we Love You! Now Let's Party!
Love, Mommy and Daddy
Happy Birthday Marley!! You're a beautiful little girl!!!
I just can't believe it has been a year! She is the smartest, most beautiful one year old I know and I am so proud to be her Aunt!
I hate that we live so far away and can't share in all the fun; but, I look forward to watching (or reading about) her grow in the years to come!
I love you Marley!
Happy Birthday Marley! I think you're really cute and I am glad you think my throwing is impressive. I was hoping YOU would think so! :)
Maybe one day we can meet!
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