Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Monday, December 27, 2010

Sub-Santa vs. The Real Santa

I waited to take Marley to see Santa until we got to Williamsburg because Helen, from Helen's Place, our wedding photographer and baby contest holder, was the one taking the pictures at Yankee Candle this year. On Tuesday we packed up Marley and went to go see Santa, unfortunately when we got there Helen whispered to me that it was the "sub-Santa" and we could tell. It's kinda hard to smile with that beard I'd say. Anyhow, after they took her pics Helen told us we really should come back for the Real Santa because he was so much better and when Brett called me that afternoon wanting to know if we had already gone to see Santa because he wanted to take her, it sealed the deal, so we decided we'd go back on Christmas Eve to see the real Santa. What do you think?

The Sub-Santa

The Real Santa

I don't really think there's much question about who was the better Santa.
Regardless, I was proud of my girl! She didn't cry either time, she identified him as soon as she saw him both times and just walked right up and let him put her on his lap. It was great, we did have to do a little bit of bribing with mellows though to try and get some good smiles (which didn't really happen the second time, maybe she had a headache from when got that bruise smacking her head on the bed rail).

I still think Santa took his best pictures last year...I'll scan those and post at another time.


Sunday, December 26, 2010


Little Miss woke up bright and early on Christmas morning, 5:00 AM in fact. We didn't wake anyone else up until closer to 7:30 but when we did she was ready to open some presents!

Here she is standing in front of the Santa tree.
One of her presents was one of those new pillow pets. She thought that it was great.She really tore into her presents.
Santa also brought her a Tinkerbell Doll with a blanket attached.
Coming downstairs after Santa presents for the family tree, wrapped in her new Tinkerbell blanket.
Aunt Sarah got Marley a bouncing ball with a monkey cover. She loves it! She even rolls over it on her stomach, landing head first on the floor.
Here she is opening her presents from GC and GMM. What could it be?
Rapunzel! "I just saw this movie!"
And what else? Maximus, he was in the movie too!
Waking up so early, opening presents, Christmas breakfast and stockings can really tucker a girl out...and her daddy...
Santa also brought Marley a full size MagnaDoodle because she liked her little one so much. She loved it!
Then today (as you can see if you continue to scroll to the next post) it snowed and snowed and snowed some more! Here was Marley's face after the mug of hot chocolate she had after she and daddy played for a few minutes in the snow. It's all over her face...and her shirt...
As I also previously posted, Marley also got a princess blow up bed from Fancy and Granddad. Little did we know it would actually become a slide.

On her way up...
At the top...
And then...
Mommy and Daddy got Marley a little Tinkerbell computer since she likes to play with everyone elses' when they have them has proven to be quite effective in keeping the real computers in one piece
A little computer time with Fancy
Now if only I could figure out how to turn down the volume on the "tinker" music.
Doesn't it look like she's going to be the one starting classes in January instead of Mommy and Daddy?

Here she is tracing Rapunzel on her MagnaDoodle. I love it when she pulls all her presents together.Playing with Rapunzel's hair
She's pretty, but Marley also likes watching her Tinkerbell movie that mommy and daddy got her.
We had a fantastic Christmas here in Williamsburg, not just Marley but Brett and I too! It was a great time. Brett had to leave today and Marley and I are packing up to leave tomorrow. We're sad to go but then on Tuesday Granny and Pop come to visit from Texas and we get to have another mini-Christmas with them!

Snow, Snow and More Snow

It started snowing here in Williamsburg last night and hasn't stopped. I think right now we've accumulated 10+ inches. Brett shoveled the driveway for my parents before he left today and now you can't even tell. He took Marley out in the snow today for a total of about 5 minutes before she had too much and had to come back inside. She's got great snow pants and a fantastic snow jacket and plenty of hats however, she does not have snow gloves, she only has thin cotton gloves. Ultimately that's why they had to come back inside. Her hands got cold from picking up the snow so she took off her gloves only to realize the snow was colder without the gloves on.

Here they are making snowballs, which you'll see in the video below, they throw at Mommy.
Isn't this an unreal amount of snow?I'm flashing back to last year when we tried to fly out to Texas before Christmas and got stuck for two days because of the snow.Marley and Daddy cuddled in bed and drank hot chocolate to warm up after playing in the snow. Marley loved the hot chocolate!Enjoy the videos!


Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas Eve

Merry Merry From Our Family to Yours!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Welcome To The World

Ainsley Elizabeth Lindberg


Greeetings From Williamsburg

(Sorry about the text)

Marley and I have been in Williamsburg since Saturday evening, spending time with Fancy, Granddad and Aunt Sarah and getting ready for the big Christmas holiday! We are having a great time but Marley is missing her daddy so we thought we'd send a shout out and let him (and everyone else) know what we've been up to!

Marley and Mommy right before bed saying "hi" to daddy.
Marley riding in the car today...she figured out that she could put her fist in her mouth. She was being quite the silly girl.
After we went to visit Santa (the sub Santa) yesterday we had Five Guys for lunch because there isn't one readily available in Roanoke. Marley munched away on her hot dog and french fries, mainly because she got to "dip" in the ketchup (much to mommy's dismay). When daddy gets here on Friday we're going to go back to see the "real" Santa. We waited to go see Santa once we got here because Helen from Helen's Place, our wedding photographer, is the one taking the pictures. The ones we got yesterday were great...even if the Santa wasn't.
We also don't have a Manhattan Bagel in Roanoke, or anywhere even near by, so we've been there too. When we were there Marley picked up her bagel, peaked through the hole and said, quite clearly, "I see you!" Her language is really coming along, she's now stringing together 2 and 3 word sentences!
This was the darling diva this morning before we went out for lunch with Jessica and Reed. Marley loves her friend Reed and they play really, really well together. Reed is the same age as cousin Kaley so I can't wait till the cousins can get back together again.
And since we've been here there hasn't been a whole lot of time that the girl has been without marshmellows. In this picture she had snagged the WHOLE bag from the pantry closet. Don't worry daddy, we've since rationed the marshmellows.

Marley can now climb out of the crib that's at Fancy's, or at least made a very good attempt the first time I put her in the other day, so the lucky girl got to open one of her Christmas presents early. She got a Princess blow up bed that is on the floor in Mommy's room. It's been a bit hit or miss since she is sick right now with, yep, you guessed it, an ear infection, but there have been quite a few times she's slept in it. She also really likes to play in it, hiding and jumping like a monkey. *I say jumping like a monkey because while she's jumping she says "No, No monkeys."
And here she is tonight while we were at the nail salon, sitting next to Fancy while her nails dried. She really liked pushing all of the buttons on the front of the dryer.
I have plenty of other pictures on my camera...these were all taken with cell phones (pretty good quality huh?!)...I just need to get my scan disk jump drive so that I can post those. More to come!
