Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Some Easter/Spring Break Pics

I confess, I've been a bad blogger lately, but a lot has happened in the two weeks since my last post. First Marley, Daddy and I had Easter down at Fancy and Granddad's. Then Marley and I went on Spring Break with Fancy to the beach (which was bittersweet because the beach house had just been broken in to), then Mommy had a very stressful week while we got the house ready and together to put on the market (yes, as in FOR SALE) and then Marley got sick, yes sick, AGAIN.
Without getting into the drama too much...Fancy and Granddad's beach house was broken into and 3 tv's were taken. Now, proof that robbers aren't always very smart...they left 3 tv's, all the remotes, the DVD players and the entire old surround sound system...WHY? But I guess there is no answer to that.
The house is on the market because we've decided that paying our current mortgage payment in this market is ridiculous and the bank refuses to refinance us or do a home modification so we decided to do a short sale...I'll let you know how it luck so far.
And, Marley has been sick with yet another viral infection this week. High, high fevers, I'm talking over 104. here people, low blood sugars, dehydration, down over a pound and a half and just plain feeling crummy. We are so lucky to have so many people that love Marley so much and are willing to come watch her when mommy has to go to work. Thanks Fancy and Momma Lock. I know there are others who would be more than willing but I think 24 hours is a bit long to commute for one day :) Anyway, we're stuck again with the only answer being "it's viral" but after 4 days of high fevers they wanted to see her again today and they decided to give her an antibiotic injection in case there was an infection that wasn't evident on her blood tests. Now, when she went to bed she was feeling a little like she may have been creeping back into fever range BUT, I tell you, she was a different child after the injection. Either it works very fast or she decided to perk up so she didn't have to go back to the doctor again. Unfortunately, she still has to go back tomorrow...
I give you now what you all want to see more to come at a later date, maybe when things settle down a bit around here.
Marley took eggs out of her Easter basket before it was even open... Uhhh...was I not allowed? Opening the Easter basket Carrying the Easter very well could've weighed more than herYUMMY...Marley's new favorite treat has been all started at she may be a little burnt out
Checkin' out the stash with Daddy
Her first taste of chocolate...can you see it around her bottom lip?
It was beautiful weather at the beach but Marley hated the sand and the ocean was a little chilly so I got a blow up pool that we can keep down there for when Marley and Cousin Evan visit the beach. She LOVED it...she's a little fishy. Now, don't look too close at the first couple of pictures because she wanted to get in it while she was still clothed and I thought naked might have been better
Nothing like a tasty yellow shovel
Then I decided to put one of her too cute swimsuits on you like the bow?
Makin' a big splash...the first of MANY
Hmmm...I think I have friends like these at my bathtub...
The Pool...Day 2

Swingin' at the park after a walk and snooze on the beach (she strolled and snoozed in the stroller...I'm telling you...she HATED the sand!)
Uuuhhh she just about flipped herself out of the swing leaning backwards like this...

What's good here?
With Fancy at would have been the PERFECT picture if Marley had decided to cooperate and look UP at the camera...but cute none the lessDavid was supposed to come back from over seas today...I'm glad Daddy enjoyed the bike during it's stay but...
That's all for now...I'll try not to make it so long before I post again...


Saturday, April 3, 2010

Birthday and Easter Pics

I took Marley yesterday to have her picture taken. We did one in her First Birthday outfit and then a couple in her Easter Dress and then some in her other Easter Dress and then one at the end in the tutu that Auntie Em got her for her birthday. They were all too cute but you'll see, by the time I put on the tutu she was done...

Who wants what?
