Post on Tuesday that is! I really did have every inclination, but you know, sometimes life just catches up with you. Things in the Mazurek household have been going quite well. We just said goodbye to Pop who came to visit for almost a week. He and Marley spent the WHOLE day together last Thursday then he and Brett went to West Virginia on Thursday night for a rafting trip down the Gauley River. Mostly Class V rapids! They were back on Friday night and recovering on Saturday. Sunday Brett had every intention on going skydiving but they were grounded because of worries...he got a raincheck (can anyone detect my sarcasm?).
Other than that not much else is really new. We had her well baby check on Tuesday and she weighed in at 17.8 and was 28 inches. Long and lean for sure. She's graduated to mostly 6-12 or 6-9 month clothes but mainly because of weather not so much for size. Granted she is getting a little too long for her 3-6 but they fit the best in the waist still so when it's warm enough for shorts and capris she's still sportin' the smaller size.
We did think that she may have had an allergic reaction to cinnamon the other day but after thinking more about it I don't think that's what it was. She's been eating the Apple Cinnamon Puffs since we introduced her to Puffs so that doesn't make sense. She did have a terrible diaper rash though Friday-Monday and a horrific 8, count 'em 8, poopy diapers on Saturday, not including the one at 2 AM on Sunday morning which she never does. She was also up ALL night Saturday night which she hasn't done in quite sometime, I'm thinking since maybe a month old. Something was up, whether it was a little bug that she was trying to get rid of or teething or an allergic reaction to something else I'm not sure but we seem to be recovered whatever it was.
The girl is trying desperately to be in the crawling circuit! She's made it up to all 4's and is rocking back and forth. She really also likes to stand and hold mommy or daddy's fingers so she can practice her walking. The girl is a mover and a shaker for sure, can't be sitting still for too long. She also likes to roll over in the bathtub to get her toys. Doesn't seem to bother her but Pop wasn't a fan of the repeated mouthfulls of water.
Hmmm...what else? We have cardiologist and allergist appointments coming up on the 23rd of this month but if I haven't posted again I need some serious bashing in my comments. We are going to have her food allergy tested to determine if the aversion to milk is an actual allergy or just an intolerance but also to see if there is anything else to avoid, such as cinnamon, or like mommy, tomatos. Cardiologist is just a check up, we expect that to be uneventful.
All right, all right, enough with the chit chat...on to what everyone really wants to see...the pictures.
So we started giving Marley some of the baby food meats because the only other protein she was getting was her formula and her formula intake has decreased due to the increase in solid foods. Anyhow, here you can see she wasn't so sure about it at first but there are a few that she really likes.
Now, I post the following pictures with caution. For those of you who have not heard about the story you can check some of it out here and search to your hearts content for further information.
I think she quite enjoys those biter biscuits don't you?
Do you see how long my child's hair is?
So long in fact, I can put it in a spike!
Hangin' out with Daddy before bed. Aren't they just too cute?
Checkin' out what's goin' on in the backyard with Pop
The view is great from up here!
Oh my goodness, I cannot believe that story about the bath pictures! Man I sure hope those people never take a look at the pictures I have posted! Only 2.5 more months until I get to see that sweet girl! She will definitely be on the move then!
PS~If you send me new pics I will update your header or you can wait until Xmas and we can work on it then. Also, I hope you are going through your millions of pictures and sending me some for the calendar.
Love the big girl pony tail! How cute! Looks like you guys are doing really well! :)
She is such a doll! I can't believe how tiny she is (compared to my monster of a son)....
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