"Did I mention it snowed today so you should have had plenty of time...it's not like we left the house..."
Last week we trekked to New York for Thanksgiving! It was a wonderful time spent with family. We love hanging out with Uncle Mike and Aunt Chris, Cousin Scott and Marley got to meet Cousin Greg for the first time! Not to mention Fancy, Granddad and Aunt Sarah. Here's Marley with Uncle Mike, Aunt Chris and Cousin Greg. There is a great picture of Marley and Cousin Scott but I have yet to get it. As soon as I do though I will post. And I spent so much time taking pictures of Marley with those she doesn't get to see that often that I didn't get any with Fancy, Granddad, or Aunt Sarah...we'll have to remedy that when we go to Williamsburg after Christmas.

We drove in LATE Tuesday night (or more accurately, EARLY Wednesday morning) to beat the holiday traffic. A big thank you out to Granddad and Aunt Sarah for taking care of the driving. Marley and I slept most of the way...I don't think Fancy slept much because it was raining most of the drive.
On Wednesday my Uncle Jim and his wife Keri drove in to visit and to meet Marley for the first time. It was a wonderful visit! Jim's son Matt is getting married in May and we look forward to seeing everyone at the wedding! Here's Marley with Jim and Keri.

Here is Marley thoroughly enjoying her Thanksgiving dinner! She ate turkey, corn, sweet potatos, and A LOT of cornbread. Little did I know this would be the beginning of the end...the end of baby food that is. While little miss is still perfectly content with her Puffs and Crunchies, she now outright refuses any other baby food. SO, we've ventured into table food and it's going well so far...except that we have to avoid dairy which really limits some of her options. No grilled cheese for instance, which is one of mommy's favorites and sure to be a hit when she can tolerate it...

And a few more from earlier this week. These were Wednesday night...after injection #3. She was feeling much more herself. Plus I think she was really happy she got chicken tenders, mixed vegetables and fruit for dinner.
From yesterday...this is what happens when daddy changes her diaper...her pants get put back on and pulled up REALLY high...
And these are from today
I think she smelled (or tasted) just how stinky her feet can get!
So, that's that! Sorry it took me so long to get it done. I hope to be better now that she's feeling a little bit better. It's exhausting when she's sick because she doesn't sleep well at all and that means I don't sleep well either.
Oh and I can't publish this post without the obligatory "HOOK 'EM HORNS" but to said Horns I have this to say...If you EVER, EVER do that to me again...I don't know what I'll do...but it won't be pretty! However, as I say (most often after Cowboys games) a win, is a win, is a win...but we've got work to do before January! Onto the National Championship we go!
oh, i'm so so so so happy :)looking at her just makes me feel good.
I hate hearing that Little Miss keeps getting ear infections! I hope tomorrow she gets a clean bill of health! T-11 days!!!
We had such a good time with you Marley. Thanks for the invitation to your pizza party!
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