I had every intention of posting last night for Marley's 8-month day but my plans were put on hold by a vomiting baby. It seems that her cold really has her down and last night she couldn't keep anything in that sweet belly and today, even though she was no longer vomiting (it's now coming out the other end), she was running a fever at or around 101.5 all day...even with Tylenol...and even though she was drinking juice she wasn't eating. Oh well, maybe these pictures should have clued me in that she was feeling a little worse yesterday morning...
In all honesty, she was just mad because I pulled her away from the step down from the kitchen to the family room and tried to make her sit still for a picture...I think it's really sweet how Rosie is all concerned...
I think the expressions says "How could you Mommy?"
This is the best one of the morning...even though she's a little pissed (for lack of a more accurate word) she's still looking cute in her black and white polka dots!
I only put this picture in because of the boots...not because of the face she's making. Aren't they just the cutest things? Cousin Kaley has them too but unless Marley's feet grow substantially before Christmas (which I think our chances are slim) they will remain in the closet because they are too big. I had taken another one right after this one when she was in the process of falling because she tried to walk in them...Oh Well...beauties must suffer (isn't that how it goes Fancy?)
She can crawl! Yes, it's official, even though Daddy says it's still a scoot, Auntie Em, the professional Occupational Therapist, says that Marley is indeed crawling (proof of it in the video posted on the 8th) because her butt and her belly are off of the ground!
And her new favorite hang out spot? The step down from the kitchen to the family room.
Yes indeed, she pulls herself to a stand there now on a daily basis. AND, she does get her right knee up but then isn't sure what to do. She turned and looked at me the other day as if to say "Now what?" I refuse to facilitate that though because knowing Marley's personality she'll be up (and probably falling down) our steep stairs in no time. So, she has to figure it out for herself, which she undoubtedly will in the next few days...
There are a lot of other things Little Miss Marley can do at 8 months old. She can pull herself to a stand in her playpen and in her crib...not to mention her exersaucer and the ottoman and on any body that's near her. Jasper's had his hair pulled a few too many times lately because she tries to use him as a base as well...plus...he's in desperate need of a haircut!
She has also figured out how to get herself to a sit. No more rolly polly Marley! When she gets into the turtle position she still attempts to get to a sit by doing her ab exercises but now she knows if she rolls to her belly she will be able to push up into a sit. This has come in exceptionally handy when I don't get her at the first peep in the morning. It was a surprise to walk in the other day and see her just sitting there...she looked up at me with the biggest smile. She gets so proud of herself.
Marley also has a tendency to be a bit of a daredevil and she has no fear. She will pull herself to a stand on whichever apparatus is available at the time then just let go, stand and balance. She's getting quite good at it actually. And she learns quickly. She was standing independently the other day and bent down to get something on the floor...well let's just say that didn't work out that well for her...we may have actually had to pull out one of her "BooBoo Buddies..." so now if she wants something on the floor she reaches out to lean on something first. And if she sees something she wants she goes for it...regardless of what precarious position it may put her in. Reports come from daycare that she keeps up the boys no problem and often they wear out long before she does...and they're all two...and in love with her...I get pictures all the time of one or another little boy kissing on Marley. Daddy is definitely going to have his hands full...
We also had an episode in which Marley threw a bit of a temper tantrum the other day. Because of our recent bathroom mishap (which I never did blog about) there is a lot in Marley's room right now that isn't usually there. Aunt Sarah and I had her up there the other day and she was crawling all over. She tried to get into some of the stuff from the linen closet so Sarah told her no and turned her around. Well, Marley turned right back around and went back to it. After it happened a couple of more times Sarah actually moved her across the room and Marley sat down looked right at me and started to cry her head off. Oh, my poor daughter, this will never work on her Mommy. I deal with it every day at school...I don't give in to it there and I'm not going to give into it here either. She stopped and has only tried it once again since...
And did I mention...she still has the most expressive face, especially when she's unhappy...
There is more...much, much more...this I'm sure of...HOWEVER...We've all been sick, some still are...and if I'm gonna have to have another day tomorrow like I did today...well then I need to head to bed.
We also had an episode in which Marley threw a bit of a temper tantrum the other day. Because of our recent bathroom mishap (which I never did blog about) there is a lot in Marley's room right now that isn't usually there. Aunt Sarah and I had her up there the other day and she was crawling all over. She tried to get into some of the stuff from the linen closet so Sarah told her no and turned her around. Well, Marley turned right back around and went back to it. After it happened a couple of more times Sarah actually moved her across the room and Marley sat down looked right at me and started to cry her head off. Oh, my poor daughter, this will never work on her Mommy. I deal with it every day at school...I don't give in to it there and I'm not going to give into it here either. She stopped and has only tried it once again since...
And did I mention...she still has the most expressive face, especially when she's unhappy...
More later...especially the bows...
8 months already? She is going to be walking around in no time! So sorry to hear that she has been so sick. It is never fun to have a sick kiddo...You feel so helpless. Hope all of you feel better soon!
Even when she is sick she is still too cute! She is so tall! I can't believe she's already pulling up on stuff!!
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