Kelly over at Kelly's Corner is hosting "Show Us Your Life-Random Acts of Kindness" today. Marley has had more than one person show her a random act of kindness so I thought I would re-share.
Remember way back when Marley was about...oh...I donno...4 months old. We were in BJ's and I had put the
Very Hungry Caterpillar book in our cart. It was the 25th Anniversary Pop-Up Edition and even though it was $20 I couldn't refuse. While standing in line the elderly couple standing in front of us just couldn't get enough of Marley in the front pack. Her cute little bare feet, the glowing smile she gave them and the oh so cute piggy tails. Well the gentleman of this couple offered to help me put everything in my cart up on the belt since I had Marley strapped to me and when he pulled the book out of the cart he said "Oh this was our son's most favorite book growing up!" He gave a look to his wife, who gave a slight nod of her head and then he said "We would really, really like to purchase this book for your daughter in hopes that she will enjoy it as much as our son did!" When put like that how could I refuse. I did tell him there was no need though and he insisted. Everytime I look at that book I think of that lovely couple.
And remember this new friend? This giraffe was purchased for Marley in a store by a random woman we had never met when it became clear to this nice woman that Marley really, really wanted it because she kept taking it off the shelf.
There was also the manager of the restaurant in Williamsburg when we went out to eat with my parents who said Marley needed a friend to take home and brought her a stuffed penguin.
One other thing I used to do it college was buy Christmas gifts, wrap them up and leave them on the step of a woman and children's shelter in downtown Austin. (My mom used to help me with that one.)
What are some of your ideas?