Still waiting on the photos from the shoot with Helen...
Still waiting on the photos from the shoot with Helen...
It's been awhile AGAIN. So sorry everyone but Marley and I have just been having so much fun spending all of our time together now that I'm on summer vacation. With that said you would think that I would have more pictures. What I do have though...in addition to a FEW pictures...is a movie montage of Little Miss...probably somewhere in the 7 minute range. Sorry it's so long but I edited around 8 videos that I had yet to post and put them all together in one. The first couple of clips date all the way back to the beginning of May. Enjoy!
So what have we been up to? Well most recently I joined the gym with Aunt Sarah and Marley had her first experience being cared for by someone other than family. Apparently she was "the best kid" in the Kid's Club at Gold's. Now you may think "Well yea, she's only 3 months old" but those of you who have had the pleasure of spending extended periods of time with our little gem would now that she is not always "the best kid." She does have a bit of an attitude sometimes so the fact she was successful in the Kid's Club made me think that getting used to daycare in August may be ok, granted she was only in the Club for about an hour and a half but who's counting?Marley continues to do more and more everyday. Where to even begin??!! She's really enjoys her Exersaucer and pushes all of the buttons and swats at everything constantly. It keeps her occupied for a good 30 minutes which is good when I'm trying to pick up her room or do laundry. She's also bearing a lot more weight when we hold onto her hands or under her arms. She is a mover and a shaker and when we hold her up she likes to "dance."
That's all for now...