Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Model Material?

All of the outfit selections from this week have been for the American Mall Model Search. They are here in our mall this month and a couple of weeks ago they approached me while I was shopping about Marley. I said what the heck and filled out the form. They then called us to have her come in for an audition and she became a finalist. The first outfit selection was for her to walk the runway. We chose the white capris and pink crocheted top and they loved it. They said that she had everything that companies look for for catalog advertisements and they said she was the best dressed there so thanks everyone!

We then went back for a photo shoot, or tried to yesterday and that didn't really work out because she fell in the parking lot and skinned her knee and really wasn't having it. Today we went back and here are the results. There are a couple of really good ones. Now we wait to hear back from them within the next month to see if she wins her age group. We only entered her in the photo, not the talent and runway, because if we were to do this, if people really were interested in her, it would only be for print ads and only to help build her college fund. Who knows...

1 comment:

Erin said...

Love her!! and miss you guys LOTS!!!

We have some dates in mind, lets talk this week and see if we can set something up!