Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Sunday, August 14, 2011

An Evening At the Park

Last night we went to a new park. It was one that Daddy and Marley had driven by and thought it looked promising so we thought we'd head over and try it out. It was alright by Mommy and Daddy standards. We usually take Marley to either the church or the school and both have very nice, updated playgrounds. This one was an old, public park and while Marley had a blast playing in a new environment, and cried when we left, we may just stick to the church and school.

They did however have a purple, ride-on dinosaur to feed into Marley's new obsession!
I love this picture because Daddy is in the background in his usual stand-offish, yet protective stance. Let me tell you what...this girl can climb!
At the top
At the bottom
More climbing...her tongue often hangs out when she's concentrating.
"I want to go HIGH Daddy!"
This kid loves to swing
Too cute
And then it was time to go...and no, her feet are not really that big, we just always buy her big shoes because it's inevitable that by the end of the season they will be too small. Believe it or not, these are only about a size too big. She's had shoes before that are two sizes too big and has never had an issue walking in them. We're lucky that way.
And then, when we were on our way home, I looked in the side view mirror and just had to get a picture of this...
Typical two year old!

1 comment:

Emily said...

Fun! She is definitely a daredevil! I live your camera strap ;)