Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Friday, October 29, 2010

What's it say...

...about you as a photographer when the best two shots of the day...
...were taken upside down, between your legs?

There were some other cute ones too though.

Like this one when I said, "Marley, please don't touch the rotting pumpkin, just sit pretty next to it"
Or this one when I said, "Say cheese"

Or how about: "stand next to that tree and look pretty"
Or here when I said, "Marley, just one nice picture, it's all Mommy wants"

Or how about: "Here Marley sit in the leaves, it'll be a pretty picture"

Or, "Marley, look here, look up at Mommy, the leaves will be there when we're done"
Or when I said, "Awww Marley, don't put the yucky leaves in your mouth!"
Or how about: "It's not dental floss honey"
My personal favorite: "Yep, hear those sirens, they're coming to get you! Leaves don't belong in your mouth, they belong on the ground"
Or how's this: "No funny business, they're still watching"
And finally: "That's Mommy's sweet girl"

Ahhh, the running commentary of photographing a 19 month old...

It's a cute outfit though dontcha think?


Emily said...

SUPER cute outfit! Love it! And I must say that you are quite the photographer shooting between your legs! Whatever you have to do to get the perfect shot! MIss and love you guys and hope you all are feeling ok!

Lindbergfam said...

I LOVE the outfit! And really bummed that in the desert we dont have leaves like that...